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/ MacWorld 1999 August / Macworld (1999-08).dmg / Shareware World / Utilities / Data & Time / Storage Bin 1.1 / Reg Number Bin (.txt) < prev    next >
FileMaker Pro Database  |  1999-06-01  |  93.0 KB  |  415 lines  |  [FMP3/UFSR]

  1.  Copyright 1984-1998 FileMaker, Inc. 
  2. HBAM2016AUG95
  3. Pro 3.0
  4. converter@
  5. home@
  6. photoshop
  7. GIFfB
  8. alisA
  9. HBAM3016AUG95@
  10. productA
  11. sampleA
  12. sample
  13. productA
  14. hesterA
  15. hester
  16. custom
  17. cyber
  18. cyberstudio
  19. default
  20. deltagraph
  21. diskwarrior
  22. doublescroll
  23. dragstrip
  24. dragthing
  25. dreamweaver
  26. eclipse
  27. endnote
  28. extensis
  29. eyecandy
  30. fileguard
  31. filemaker
  32. fontographer
  33. freehand
  34. freeram
  35. graphic
  36. half-life
  37. harddisk
  38. headline
  39. hotline
  40. hourworld
  41. kaleidoscope
  42. kineticon
  43. macdrive
  44. machten
  45. maclan
  46. maclinkplus
  47. maclinkplus
  48. macmedic
  49. microsoft
  50. nisus
  51. office
  52. omnipage
  53. onguard
  54. pacman
  55. painter
  56. partition
  57. plusmaker
  58. poser
  59. powerbar
  60. powermenu
  61. GIFfB
  62. alisA
  63. 6/1/99
  68. NOTES
  74. Serial NumberB
  75. NotesB
  76. RecordCountB
  77. ProductB
  78. NameB
  79. OrganizationB
  80. Date PurchasedB
  81. ListThemRegB
  82. Restore Intro
  83. Register Button
  84. Back to MainPageReg
  85. Go to ListThem
  86. Go to Record
  87. Open Password Bin
  88. Open Reg Number Bin
  89.     Sort Them
  90. FindIt
  91. Find Now
  92. Find Again
  93. Cancel Find
  94. PrintReg
  95. registersvp
  96. A    Sort Them
  97. Back to MainPageReg
  98. Go to ListThem
  99. Go to Record
  100. Open Password Bin
  101. ) = 1    
  102. GIFfB
  103. alisA
  104. Notes
  105. SortS
  106. Records:T    List View
  107. Product
  108. Product
  109. Product
  110. Product
  111. Registered By
  112. Organization
  113. Date Purchased
  114. Switch Databasea
  115. Today isb    <<
  116. ABBA>>d
  117. Finde
  118. Find Allf
  119. Registration
  120. Numbers
  121. Serial NumberE
  122. BackL
  123. ProductM
  124. Print
  125. DialogB
  126. Register Button
  127.  "90b6d720#14ea1391"
  128. 90b6d720#14ea1391
  129. OK"" 
  130. Cancel
  131. 99JJkk
  132. ))99ZZ
  133.                Sorry, but that password is not correct
  134. *e>EX
  135. wwwwww
  136.     ffffff
  137. UUUUUU
  138. DDDDDD
  139. 333333
  140. """"""
  141. !""$A
  142. !"$DD
  143. D""DD
  144. $A"DD
  145. $D""!
  146. ""$A""
  147.     !""!
  148. !""$C
  149. DB""$B
  150. "    $DB
  151. B""$D
  152. D""DA
  153. ""$B!DAD
  154. !A!""
  155. $B""A
  156. D""$A
  157. ""$DC
  158. D2"$D
  159. $D""$D
  160. ""DAD
  161. "DA""!
  162. D""DD!
  163. D""$A
  164. DB""$
  165. ""$DA
  166. D!DA!
  167. A""$D
  168. ""B"$
  169. ""$"!A
  170. ADB$D
  171. D"B"!
  172. ""B""!
  173. ~ffff
  174. ffffff
  175. ffff33
  176. ff33ff
  177. ff3333
  178. 33ffff
  179. 33ff33
  180. 333333
  181. wwwwww
  182. UUUUUU
  183. DDDDDD
  184. """"""
  185. Open Reg Number Bin
  186. Restore Intro
  187. FindIt
  188.     Helvetica
  189. Geneva
  190. Times New Roman
  191. Pro 3.0 - 4.1F!
  192. Sunday
  193. Monday
  194. Tuesday
  195.     Wednesday
  196. Thursday
  197. Friday
  198. Saturday
  199. January
  200. February
  201. March
  202. April
  203. August
  204.     September
  205. October
  206. November
  207. December
  208. 1st Quarter
  209. 2nd Quarter
  210. 3rd Quarter
  211. 4th Quarter
  212. gSe]l\
  213. Serial Number
  214. GlobalDateB
  215. GlobalTotalPagesB
  216. passwordB
  217. GlobalFirstRunB
  218. 6/1/99Q
  219. MainPageReg
  220. ListThemReg
  221. Dialog
  222. A    RegFindIt
  223. PrintReg
  224. registersvp
  225. MainPageRegB
  226. i/Please choose the path you would
  227. like today....j
  228. Password
  229. Databasek
  230. Registration
  231. Database
  232. ,AY(Don
  233. t forget to protect your database
  234. with a secure password!)
  235. Test Password is 
  236. thanks
  237. Register
  238. A    RegFindItB
  239. 8RPTH
  240. FPTHA8Belimah:Applications:FileMaker Pro 4.1:Ours:Password Bin
  241. MSPCA
  242. NAMEA
  243. Password Bin
  244. RPTHA
  245. Password Bin
  246. Belimah
  247. Password Bin
  248. FMP3FMP3
  249. 8Belimah:Applications:FileMaker Pro 4.1:Ours:Password Bin
  250. Temporary Folder
  251. Belimah
  252. Lunar
  253. :RPTH
  254. FPTHA:Belimah:Applications:FileMaker Pro 4.1:Ours:Reg Number Bin
  255. MSPCA
  256. NAMEA
  257. Reg Number Bin
  258. RPTHA
  259. Reg Number Bin
  260.  = "90b6d720#14ea1391"
  261. 90b6d720#14ea1391
  262.  + 15 
  263.  "90b6d720#14ea1391"
  264. 90b6d720#14ea1391
  265. OK""A
  266. Cancel"
  267. ""DD    
  268.                Sorry, but that password is incorrect!G
  269. Register Button
  270. This copy of Storage Bin is not registered!  Please take the time to register now.
  271. If you have used the application for this long, surely it must be of some help to you....o
  272. Check PasspwIf you would like to purchase this copy (only $10, really)
  273. send a request by email to twoodruf@columbus.rr.com
  274. Thanks!!
  275. Sample-123-000456-SNF
  276. Sample ProductJ
  277. Hester FluK
  278. A Smaller Big Business
  279. Databasek
  280. Registration
  281. Database
  282. ,AY(Don
  283. t forget to protect your database
  284. with a secure password!)
  285. Test Password is 
  286. thanks
  287. Belimah
  288. Reg Number Bin
  289. FMP3FMP3
  290. :Belimah:Applications:FileMaker Pro 4.1:Ours:Reg Number Bin
  291. Temporary Folder
  292. Belimah
  293. Lunar
  294. GIF89a+
  295. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  296. 33ffff
  297. 33ff33
  298. 3333ff
  299. 333333
  300. wwwwww
  301. UUUUUU
  302. DDDDDD
  303. """"""
  304. ~ffff
  305. ffffff
  306. ffff33
  307. ff33ff
  308. ff3333
  309. Find Now
  310. ) = 0    
  311.     No thanks
  312.                Sorry, couldn't find a match for that request.
  313.                          Would you like to try again?C+
  314. ) = 1    
  315. ) = 1    
  316. Find Again
  317. Cancel Find
  318. Product
  319. Serial Number
  320. Purchased By
  321. Organization
  322. Date PurchasedS
  323. Find NowU
  324. Cancel
  325. PrintRegB
  326. ProductB
  327. Serial NumberC
  328. Date PurchasedD
  329. Notes
  330. PrintReg
  331. Cancel Print_
  332. 3T               Don't forget to store this printed copy in
  333.                     a safe place!C+
  334. ) = 1    
  335. registersvp
  336. ~ffff
  337. ffffff
  338. ffff33
  339. ff33ff
  340. ff3333
  341. 33ffff
  342. 33ff33
  343. 3333ff
  344. 333333
  345. wwwwww
  346. UUUUUU
  347. DDDDDD
  348. """"""
  349.     ++**--
  350. zzyy||
  351. ::99==
  352. rrqquu
  353. UUTTYY
  354. aa``ee
  355. '00//55
  356. (5544::
  357. )eeddjj
  358. *ppoouu
  359. />>==DD
  360. <7777@@
  361. =                
  362. ?tttt{{
  363. @FFFFJJ
  364. B222244
  365. Cooooss
  366. Z@@AA]]
  367. \++,,77
  368. n{{||
  369. s..55QQ
  370. v33;;WW
  371. z..22==
  372. {tt}}
  373. }KKMMSS
  374. ~[[]]cc
  375. **;;ff
  376. ^^ffyy
  377. eekkvv
  378. 88HHaa
  379. ""GG||
  380. &&33FF
  381. ::BBMM
  382. nnnnmm
  383. 977:N
  384. x{u{_
  385. lgjlJ00,
  386. ep10D
  387. L5%53
  388. eswe011
  389. _]llZteaag
  390. J<@66
  391. F(55@
  392. vv]"biaaeag
  393. 1<o66
  394. Y{lgfjaeeag
  395. 1Yillbp`aeag
  396. z[hlj
  397. &K~6/
  398. __{fl
  399. Yvy_s
  400. xelk]
  401. W97(D.
  402. wwxw{w{uu_kjcl
  403. VK    67nLH:9
  404. B7:6F
  405. /&6})6}.
  406. oqIoF
  407. Product
  408. Serial Number
  409. A    Purchased
  410. Notes
  411. Registration NumbersJ
  412. page ## ofK    <<
  413. ABBB>>
  414. registersvpB